Saturday, July 4, 2009

Baby Girl Update

We are getting pretty excited around here! We can't wait to meet the new addition. Tiffany went to the doctor last week and discovered that she may deliver sooner than we think. Due to protein levels, and high blood pressure and other things, Tiffany has been put on bed rest. The doctor said she must lay flat and only get up to go to the bathroom. With little Nickolas in the house, that is next to impossible. So she is doing the best she can and she goes back to the doctor on Monday to get blood drawn and to check a few more things. There was talk last week that she might be induced in the next couple of weeks...we are not sure if that is still an option. We will know more on Monday. So hopefully everything will go very smooth for Tiffany's sake and for the baby's sake. We just want a healthy baby and mommy, even if that means delivering a few weeks early. I will keep you posted as soon as I know more!
This is what Nickolas' baby sister has to look forward to. Nickolas loves "patting" baby's on the head. I am not sure where he learned this or why he wants to do this to every baby. I know that the babies included in this activity are not too crazy about Mr. Nickolas beating them on the head. We will have to watch him very close when the new addition arrives.

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