Sunday, December 28, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Nana's

It was so exciting having Nickolas here for Christmas! Here are a few pictures from his first Christmas at Nana's!

I love this smile!! So cute.

Here he is sitting with Wes. He loved this toy!! It plays music and lights up.

Tiffany, Wes and Nickolas. What a cute family!

Me and Nickolas.

Nickolas and his new hat!! This hat is so cute. He does not want to keep it on. But this new toy kept his attention long enough for a picture or two.

Bobby bought Nickolas this camo outfit. It's a fleece one piece he can wear over his clothes. It's very warm and soft.

Tiffany and Nickolas. This picture is so cute! I just love that little outfit.

Tiffany, Jamie, Jason, Tonya

Christmas at Ruthie and Grandpa's House

Christmas at Ruthie and Grandpa's house is always very hectic!! I tried to get a picture of all Nickolas' cousins. The only one with everybody is the first one. Enjoy meeting all of Nickolas' cousins!!!

Back Row: Bobby, Pam, Jamie, Amber, Adam, Tommy, Jennifer, Jason, Stephanie, Alex, Clifton holding Kaleb, Nick, Michelle, Wes, Jeremy holding Luke, Uncle JC, Matt holding Eli, Jan, Terry, Tiffany, Steve
Front Row: Debra, Sherry, Ruthie holding Andrew, Grandpa holding Nickolas, Aunt Mildred, Tonya
Sitting: Delaney holding Sophie, Melissa, Haley holding Abigail
********************WHEW THAT'S A BIG FAMILY*******************
Andrew, Haley, Abigail

Melissa, Delaney, Haley, Luke, Sophie, Andrew, Abigail

Nickolas opening a present from Cousin Jan!

Stephanie and Andrew

Clifton and Jeremy


Adam and Amber (and soon to be J.B. Moore)

Tiffany, Wes and Nickolas






Nana and Nickolas

Tommy and Eli




Haley, Nick, Sherry, Delaney, Adam and Amber (due January 20th)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Waiting on Santa!!

Nickolas is ready for Santa! We made cookies for him and everything. We tried to get a picture of Nickolas with the santa hat on. However, everytime we put it on his head he would take it right back off!! So we decided to distract him by giving him a cookie. Well, you can see here what he did next...

He carefully held on to the cookie, while still managing to take the hat off! Our plan didn't work.

He never let go of the cookie!! Tiffany finally took it away from him. He had half of it in his mouth by the time she got to him. Man, he was quick!

7 Months Old Today

Nickolas is 7 Months old today!! The past month went by so fast. He is still spoiled, but getting better. He is still not sleeping through the night yet. He will sleep for only a few hours at a time. He is cooing a lot more these days....I think that Ma Ma will be his first words. We have found that a few different things make Nickolas cry for no reason. For instance, Wes was feeding him and making the airplane noise. Well, Nickolas does not like this noise! He will make such a sad face and actually start crying. Wes showed us one was pitiful, but very funny. Also while he was in the hospital Wes went to the toy room and found "Sully", the monster from Monster's Inc. It was just a little hard plastic toy. Well, when Wes showed it to Nickolas he started crying. Once he took it away, he stopped! It is weird to see the different things that make babies cry. Things you wouldn't even think of scare them sometimes.
Nickolas is doing much better these days. He is back to his regular eating routine. He is the happiest in the mornings. He still loves to take a bath. He has learned how to reach if you hold your hands out. We love it! The only time he won't try to reach for you is if you wake him from a nap. Whoever gets him up, he will stay with them for a while. Once he fully wakes up, then he will start reaching for his favorite. (Ahem, me.) We are working on helping him crawl. He can't quite get up on all fours without our help. But, it won't be long before he's all over the place. He loves to play "Patty Cake". He can be crying so loud and Tiffany will start singing Patty Cake and Nickolas will stop crying immediately and smile at her. It's too cute.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Tree fun!

We decided to take some pictures of Nickolas and his Christmas pajamas! He was very sleepy in these pictures, but we did manage to get a few good ones. He was really interested in the tree behind him. He wanted to play with everything on it. So, of course, we let him. :-)

All I have to say about this pictures is that me and Tiffany had NOTHING to do with it.....

This is what most of the pictures looked like....He did not want to turn around and look at the camera! You should have seen me, Tiffany and Wes. We were making noises, clapping, shaking toys, making funny faces...he ignored us.

Santa gave Nickolas this Tigger in the hospital. He loves it!!