Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another Sunday at Nana's

Nickolas and Hannah

Check out that hair! When Danielle saw Alyssa on Sunday she said, "Alyssa, every time I see you, your hair gets taller!" We would have to agree.

I was trying to get Nickolas to smile at me, this is what he did instead.

I understand there are so many things wrong with this picture, but it is so stinkin cute! And Nickolas loves it!

Hannah and her daddy.

Did I mention that Nickolas also loves brushes? This is one of those that fold out with a mirror. He carries it around sometimes.

Ok, let me explain the following pictures.............
Did you ever get "the look" from your mother growing up when you did something wrong? Boy we did, and it worked! So when Nickolas does something he isn't supposed to, we try to say no and give him the look which consists of wrinkling your forehead and lowering your eyelids to create a "mean" look. Well, right now Nickolas copies EVERYTHING. So his new thing is when he does something he knows he is not supposed to he will instantly try to make the mean face. It is the cutest thing ever and usually results in laughter, unless he has done something crazy that would harm him in anyway, then he gets in big trouble. So on Sunday Nana was holding him and he wanted something and she would say, "Give me a kiss first". He would throw a fit which is not acceptable in any situation, then instantly make the face. It was too funny, so I had to get my camera.

Here he is trying to get comfortable.

Then he decides he is going to be wild.

He loves this little desk clock! He usually finds it every time he comes over. Last time I let him play with it a little longer than usual and ended up having to search for it after he left. The next night the alarm on the clock went off at 3am! I will find a better hiding place next time.

Oops. Bye bye, Alyssa.

He his holding the clock up to her ear and saying, "Hi, Da da." Tiffany always lets him talk to Wes when he is out of town, so now anything that looks like a phone, Nickolas will hold up to his ear and say, Hi Da Da.


Excited little boy and Princess Has Arrived shirt

Nickolas loves the vacuum! Tiffany got a new vacuum the other day and she tried it out at our house. Nickolas got so excited and started pointing like crazy and laughing. It is so funny. He also has a new pumpkin light that he loves. Tiffany said the other night on the way home he was playing with it in the car and she thought it was the police behind her. Too funny. If you remember, we bought Alyssa a t-shirt in the hospital that says, "The Princess Has Arrived". Well, we finally got around to putting it on her. (she is almost too big for it) The very last picture is of Nickolas in his shirt. Can't believe he was ever that little!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Family Picture

This picture was completely unplanned. Around the beginning of September they were at the mall and was captured by the Olan Mills sales associate. It was a really good price for one pose so they did it. Sometimes the unplanned pictures are the best.