Friday, July 31, 2009

Fun visiting the Doctor

We went to the doctor yesterday to check everybody out. Nickolas' eye is fine, he probably had something on his hands and rubbed his eye. He is showing no signs of pink eye. Yay! Alyssa looks great as well. Tiffany started her on powdered formula and did not have a very good night! Alyssa started to choke and not breath. After unsuccessful pats on the back, Tiffany finally had to go in with the green suctioner. Finally she started breathing again. It scared Tiffany to say the least. So she is taking it much slower with the powder. The doctor said it might take a few days for her to get used to the formula change. Her weight is up to 7lbs even. So she is almost back to her birth weight. Nickolas is up to 26lbs and in the 75th percentile for his weight. As most of you know, going anywhere with two little ones is a challenge. You have to know before starting out that you have to be patient and it will be a long day. Just when we think we are done at one place, it is time to feed both kids or change them. We stayed probably 30 min after the doctor was done getting everybody settled. I'm sure we will get faster at it, but it is going slow now.

Nickolas loves playing with these things! He wants to take the whole thing off the table and put it on the floor. We are constantly saying, "No Nickolas!"

Check out her hair. Tiffany gave Alyssa her first bath a few days ago and realized her hair stands straight up! It is so funny.

The doctor was talking to Nickolas, he was trying to get her attention on something else.

The doctor is checking Alyssa's temperature and she is crying so loud. Nickolas is trying to see what is going on.

Alyssa 7lbs

I can't say it enough, Nickolas loves her car seat! Having once been his, I am sure he is attached.

Another funny face.

She looks so alert here. This is one of my favorites.

Stretching her legs out.........again.

Feeding time!

See? Her hair stands straight up. You can't push it back down. Occasionally, Nickolas' kisses will make it go back down.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Not coming home until the 4th????

Alyssa was surprised and a little upset when we told her Nana and Ruthie would not be home until the 4th. What a face! There have been many funny faces captured, but this one has to be the funniest! Tiffany and I laughed for a long time over this one.

These will have to do.

I was on my way to Tiffany's when I realized, I left my camera at home! Bummer. So, I tried to take pictures with my phone throughout the day for Nana and Ruthie. They are not the best pictures, but they will have to do. We ran a few errands and ended up at Walmart for some groceries. Mr. Nickolas was so sleepy at Walmart and on the way home. He actually fell asleep before we got home. Both of them have an appointment tomorrow with their pediatrician. Alyssa is just going to get weighed and Nickolas has something wrong with his eye. It is probably nothing, but Tiff wants to get it checked out. You can tell it is red. It's his right eye.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Settled in

Alyssa is settling in quite nicely at her new home. Mr. Nickolas is getting used to her as well. He seems so big now that Alyssa has arrived. He plays alone longer. He no longer follows Tiffany all over the house (which is a nice change according to Tiff). He talks all the time! Ok, he just makes syllables all day long. It is so cute. As long as you act like you are following what he is saying, he will talk all day long. And just recently he has learned how to sing! It is the cutest thing ever. Ok, when I say "sing" I mean, his syllables are just longer. He is so sweet. When you ask him where the baby is or where Alyssa is he will always point to her, then walk over and give her a pat on the head and a kiss. He is going to be such a good big brother. I went to see them yesterday and today so I had two days of pictures to post!
Nickolas loves all the attention!!
He loves playing with the car seat! He gets so mad if someone takes it away.
This picture was from today. I wanted to look at her so I had to uncover her...twice...then I found her under there!
Here is Nickolas talking to me. He is so stinkin cute.
Her legs are still straight out!! It is hard to swaddle her because she keeps those legs stretched out. Tiffany now understands why her pregnancy was so uncomfortable.
I was just snapping away, taking pictures of Alyssa. I heard, "Bye, bye." I turned around and Nickolas was waving at us getting in his car. He is just so smart.
Alyssa asked me to please put this outfit on her and take her picture. She had to ask several times, finally I put it on her and snapped a few pictures.
Here she is all bundled up again.
Tiffany cleaned out this shampoo bottle and Nickolas plays with it. He loves it. It was so cute, he was acting like he was pouring it out in his hand. I taught him how to smell it and he copied me. He made the sniffing sound and everything. I'm telling you....Genius.