Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 Months Old

Alyssa turned 7 months old on Sunday the 21st. She is getting so big! She went for a check up yesterday and she weighs 20lbs! She is eating baby food now on a daily basis. (3 jars a day) She still loves being the center of attention. It seems overnight she went from being a fussy kind of happy baby to a non fussy super happy baby! She is sleeping better at night and throughout the day she keeps herself entertained with toys and her big brother. She is not crawling yet, but gets oh so close! She just rocks back and forth until finally she is on her tummy. She is starting to pull up on her crib. I have a mini crib here and when she is in it she holds on to the sides and tries to pull up. She is too little to be doing all of this! I can't believe how time flies by. I also told her yesterday when we were at toys-r-us (see picture above) that she is too little to be sitting like a big girl in the cart and to stop getting big! She just smiled at me. She is so fun to be around and I wish everybody could experience being with her! We are so lucky to have Alyssa (Nickolas and Hannah). 3 perfect healthy kids!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Nickolas grew up over night!! He is saying so much now. He is also copying anything you do. He is so smart! Today I went to pick him up from Tiffany and Wes, and on the way home I sang "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" to him. I noticed in my rear view mirror that he was moving his hands and doing all the signs. Deidra taught him how to make a spider and since then Nana has been singing him the song and moving his hands to make the motions. Well, today on the way home he showed me what he had learned from Nana! He picked up on it so fast! It was so cute and I couldn't wait to get home to video tape him doing the same thing. It is pretty much the cutest thing ever. He is a genius!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

4 Days with Nana and Aunt Tonya

Tiffany and Wes, along with another couple, went out of town this past weekend for a much needed break. Nickolas and Alyssa stayed with me and Nana. We had so much fun! We spoiled them both as much as we could. Alyssa had on the cutest pajamas ever when Tiffany dropped them off. I just had to take pictures of her in them. Nickolas loved playing with Alyssa in her crib. He would get in there with her and drive his car around the top of the crib and he even drove his car on Alyssa. She didn't mind. Alyssa loves it when Nickolas gets in the floor and plays with her. When she is fussy and you just can't do anything else to make her happy, all you have to do is get Nickolas to play with her or near her. She loves her big brother!! Each night Nickolas stayed up so late. I didn't want to just put him in his bed and close the door because he was in a strange place and I didn't want him to be unhappy. So each night he would sit with me on my bed and we would watch Tom and Jerry until he fell asleep, which was usually close to midnight. He doesn't usually get to stay up so late, but I didn't mind. Whatever made him happy! Sunday was their last day with us and before Tiffany came to get them they made her a Valentine's Day Card. They did such a good job. Tiffany sent me text messages all weekend saying how much she missed them. This was the longest she has been away from either of them. Nickolas ran straight to her and hugged her leg, he was so excited to see her! It was so cute. Alyssa just smiled at her. The very last picture is of Nickolas pulling his is safe to say he was ready to go home with his mommy and daddy!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cute kids being cute.

I tried to give all the kids a mohawk...Alyssa didn't have much to work with, Hannah's hair is getting a little too long and Nickolas wouldn't stop touching his hair so he flattened it. The mohawks were cute for about 5 min, then they disappeared. Oh well, maybe I will try extra hold hair spray next time. Enjoy these pictures of cute kids being cute!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nickolas Sledding

Here are a couple videos of Nickolas sledding. He had a great time and he was so cute! The first video he actually fell off at the bottom. No worries, he was fine. Enjoy this cuteness!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowed in! Day 2

Sunday was a great snow day, too! First thing yesterday morning, Nickolas found his way to Alyssa's pack-n-play. Sometimes he wants you to put him in there so he can play with Alyssa. I thought it was pretty cute, so I grabbed my camera. I would tell Nickolas to look at me and say cheese. He decided he was going to hold up the little stuffed dog and say cheese. He thought it was the funniest thing that I was taking pictures of his dog. So cute!! Thanks to Uncle Jason, on snow day #2 we had a sled! Nickolas LOVED the sled. He was so funny! When he would get to the bottom he would start laughing and get so excited. He was having a great time. We put Miss Alyssa on the sled with him and he liked that. He even tried to pull her around on the sled, that didn't work out too well for Alyssa. After a million times sledding down the hill, we all came back in. Nickolas was very upset about it! He loved sledding so much. Last night Jamie and Danielle came over and brought Hannah Bug. When they told me she had not been out in the snow, I had to get her out in it! We bundled her up in Alyssa's snow suit and hat and went out. Jamie pulled her around on the sled and she actually loved it! She would laugh and smile. Nickolas had to get in on the action so he was back out with her for round 2. This time the snow was more like ice and he went fast down the hill. The expression on his face was not as enthusiastic as it was early in the day, but he still liked it. As little boys do, Nickolas was playing too rough! He ended up with a few scratches on his arm after sledding. It started out a little pink with a few scratches, then as the night went on it was getting more red and we noticed a bump. We felt sorry for him. So Nana gave him some of her diet coke and I made sure he was warm with his blankets and stuffed puppy. He was set! As the night progressed he would whine and actually cry and hold his arm. We thought we were going to make an ER run, but after a little Tylenol he was good to go! Today it just looked red, but he doesn't act like it hurts anymore. He was so pitiful last night. I just can't take all the scratches and bruises yet to come. I wonder if it would be too much for me to ask Tiff and Wes to just keep him in a bubble?