Monday, July 20, 2009

12:30 PM

Tiffany is all settled in. Everything is still looking good with her and the baby. She is dilated 1 and a half cm. They are going to start her on a medication that will hopefully start her labor. They will start within the hour and hopefully we will be on our way to meeting the baby. They are expecting this labor to go much faster than it did with Nickolas (she was in labor18 hours with him), which is very encouraging. They are still grilling her with questions and soon they will start the drug.


Unknown said...

We are excited! Let us know if you need any help with little man. She's at UT isn't she? Let me know if they are up for visitors. I would love to come and see them. I was sick when Nickolas was born :(

Tonya said...

Hey Jan! We are so excited, too. She is at UT. I will update as soon as she delivers and we will see then if she is up for visitors. I'm sure she will be. Right now Sherry has Nickolas and if for some reason I am not out of here by bed time he will spend the night with her. Thanks for offering!