Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sick Baby Update!!

Nickolas is stiiiiil sick! He has been sick since last Thursday. Each of these pictures were sent to me from Tiffany's phone from 3 different visits to the doctor! They called on Saturday to make an appointment, and she was told to take him to the ER immediately. They discovered that he was not dehydrated, but said if he is still having trouble keeping food down, to bring him back. So yesterday morning she took him to his family doctor. Nickolas was down to 18lbs 2 oz. Still, the nurse practitioner said to just watch him and gave him some medecine. Well at 10:30 last night they took him back to Children's Hospital. They admitted him early this morning around 2am. They are giving him fluids with an IV. The nurses there can't believe Nickolas' pediatrician didn't tell them to go to the hospital sooner!! So he is where he needs to be now and should soon be able to come home. They said late this afternoon or tomorrow. I'll try to keep everyone updated!

This one is from Saturday morning at Children's.

This one is from his pediatrician on Monday.

This one is form Children's early this morning! He looks very pitiful here. He looks a little red here, but that is because he had been crying. Look at his little arm! They were admitted to a room finally. There was another couple in there with a little kid....Nickolas cried for an hour straight when they were in there. Tiffany texted me and said they were getting their own private room. I asked Tiffany if she thought her "roommates" complained, she said she didn't think so. She said they couldn't speak english...I'm still not convinced.

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