Friday, December 12, 2008

Hospital Update and PIctures from last Sunday

Nickolas still isn't holding formula down. So they will keep him another night! His weight is down to 17lbs! He was 18lbs 12 oz the day after Thanksgiving. So he has lost almost 2 pounds. He is off the IV fluids as of now and his temp is 99.7 He has been so tired all day today. I held him for over 2 hours while he slept. Then he woke up, but still wanted to lay in my arms. I didn't mind, of course. He is very pitiful. I thought I would take a break from hospital pictures and post some from last Sunday. You can tell he didn't feel good in these pictures.

He loves taking a bath!! He likes to try and grab the water. It's funny.

Here he is drinking grape pedialyte.

With all the diapers, Nickolas gets a lot of baths!!! Here he is again in the tub. He kept putting his head under the water. We would laugh and he would do it again!

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