Saturday, December 13, 2008

He's Home!!

Nickolas was released today!! Yesterday he had a fever, but today it went away! He is feeling much better! We are so excited that he is home now. Here are a few pictures from today and yesterday. Thanks to everybody who called to check on Nickolas! I know it meant a lot to Tiffany and Wes. Hopefully this will be the last time he is in the hospital! If he goes back, I am sure I will be there to take a picture or two. :-)

Notice he no longer has his IV!

All that is left is this little bandaid. We can deal with that. :-)

He loves playing with this duck! When I came to see him on the first day I just had to take it to him from my house. He played with it a lot while he was in there.

So cute in these pajamas from Nana!!!

Boy was Tiffany glad to take him home!!! She had not even stepped outside of the hospital since Nickolas was admitted Monday night!

Here he is ready to roll!!! I am sure he was a little shocked to be in something different than the hospital bed!!

I know what he is thinking here..."Aunt Tonya, stop with the pictures!! We are in an elevator for Pete's sake! I am going home now!"

You can tell here that he has lost some weight. He looks so scronny!

This was right after a bath. He looks so clean and fluffy!

Doing what he does best....chewing on a toy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YEAH! I'm so excited that he's home! Tiffany's hair looks so good.