Tuesday, February 16, 2010

4 Days with Nana and Aunt Tonya

Tiffany and Wes, along with another couple, went out of town this past weekend for a much needed break. Nickolas and Alyssa stayed with me and Nana. We had so much fun! We spoiled them both as much as we could. Alyssa had on the cutest pajamas ever when Tiffany dropped them off. I just had to take pictures of her in them. Nickolas loved playing with Alyssa in her crib. He would get in there with her and drive his car around the top of the crib and he even drove his car on Alyssa. She didn't mind. Alyssa loves it when Nickolas gets in the floor and plays with her. When she is fussy and you just can't do anything else to make her happy, all you have to do is get Nickolas to play with her or near her. She loves her big brother!! Each night Nickolas stayed up so late. I didn't want to just put him in his bed and close the door because he was in a strange place and I didn't want him to be unhappy. So each night he would sit with me on my bed and we would watch Tom and Jerry until he fell asleep, which was usually close to midnight. He doesn't usually get to stay up so late, but I didn't mind. Whatever made him happy! Sunday was their last day with us and before Tiffany came to get them they made her a Valentine's Day Card. They did such a good job. Tiffany sent me text messages all weekend saying how much she missed them. This was the longest she has been away from either of them. Nickolas ran straight to her and hugged her leg, he was so excited to see her! It was so cute. Alyssa just smiled at her. The very last picture is of Nickolas pulling his bag...it is safe to say he was ready to go home with his mommy and daddy!

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