Thursday, July 24, 2008

2 Months Old Today!!!!

Nickolas is two months old today!! Time is going by so fast. Of course, I had to stop by after work and take a few pictures. He is starting to stay awake longer between naps during the day. If you talk to him he will smile and coo. He loves to look at the ceiling fan. (even if it is off) Also, he likes to look out of the window. He loves his elmo and he also has a rattle that he likes. I just bought him one of the baby Einstein DVD's. We put it in today and he seemed to like the music. He is doing more and more each day. He also loves to hear his daddy talk to him!! When Wes talks to him he will look to try to find him. Wes can be in the other room and Nick will stop crying and look for him. It's so cute.

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More Cute Pictures to come....................


Mom said...

He looks so big in that outfit. Is that one of the ones Deidra bought him?

Tonya said...

Yep! It is. it actually fits him. So cute!