Sunday, May 25, 2008

20 hours 6 min old.

Isn't this the sweetest baby you have ever seen? Mommy and baby are doing so well!! Nickolas does not cry very much. Only when he is getting poked with needles, but wouldn't you? :-) Also, he is not all about getting his diaper changed. But when he gets bundled back up, he stops immediately!
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Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! He's so cute! He's got long fingers! I'm glad Tiffany is doing well. Let us know if she needs anything. Also, let me know what her favorite meal is and I'll make it and take it to her when she gets home.

milleryd25 said...

oh the baby is so cute, i cant wait to see him. let me know when you are up for visiting and i will be there, CONGRATULATIONS :)...