Monday, May 10, 2010

Truck? Car? Paci? Blanket? Puppy? Check!

Last weekend Nickolas spent the night with me. I put him in the pack-n-play to sleep next to my bed. I always let him watch cartoons to fall asleep (something he does not get to do at home). About 10 minutes passed by and I heard Nickolas say, "Out." I said, "Nickolas do you want to get out and go night night in Tonya's bed?" He said, "Ok!!" I said "well, come on" I turned to fix him a spot next to me and I heard, "Truck, puppy, car, paci.." I looked and Nickolas was getting all of these items out of his pack-n-play and putting them on my bed. Needless to say, I had to make more room. He had one more truck to go and I convinced him to put that one in the floor. It was getting crowded. Once we were all settled, he was asleep in no time!! He loves to sleep with his toys. He gets to pick each night which ones he will sleep with. It is pretty cute!!

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