Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hospital Update

I went back to the hospital yesterday. They took him off the IV fluids. After that, Nickolas would not feel like eating. Anything. So he was really cranky most of the day and just wanted to sleep. So they decided to put him back on the IV fluids. Almost as soon as he was hooked back up, he wanted a bottle! So they gave him pedialyte and he was fine. He acted like a totally different baby. He was happy and playing. No more updates as of this morning. I would imagine that he would be coming home today, but I am not sure. I'll check in with Tiffany later and try to post.

Tiffany and Wes are making it the best they can! They want to come home, but they want to make sure Nickolas is ready first. You can tell in these pictures that he is feeling a lot better. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.

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