I watched Nickolas yesterday and we had so much fun!! He is so spoiled from his hospital stay. It's amazing what 2 weeks in and out of the hospital will do for a baby. He wants you to hold him all the time now. It's so cute to me, but I know Tiffany and Wes are not excited about it! I would hold him all day long if I could. :-) However, I know that Tiffany and Wes would not be able to hold him all day, so I tried my best to let him play by himself yesterday. I would put him in his crib to play and he would fall over and get stuck. So I would reach in to sit him back up and he would just grab on to my arm wanting me to pick him up! (again, this is so cute to me) I finally did give in and I picked him up. When he fell asleep, I layed him back down. He did ok as long as I was right there with him.
1 comment:
I love the one where he wants you to pick him up. That is exactly what he looks like. He is saying, "Get me, Tonya." "How can you resist this cute face"
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