Last weekend we had a "Welcome Alyssa Party" It was lots of fun!!!!! I made cake and chocolate and mini cupcakes for everybody in her honor. We are so blessed to have her in our lives!!

Jamie and Hannah!!

Jamie, Alyssa and Hannah
Alyssa Taylor

Jamie with his hands full!! Alyssa (left), Hannah (right) and Nickolas

Nickolas lost his tractor under the couch. He pushes it under there, and when you ask him where it is, he holds out his hands and says, "all gone." He is cute.
Matching Cousins Take 1
Here is Miss Hannah!!! She is very close to crawling! Can you believe that? We think she will crawl before she even sits up! She is 5 months old already.

Matching Cousins Take 2

Nickolas is out of there! He will not sit still for 2 seconds to get a picture.

Delaney and Nickolas

Uncle Jamie feeding Nickolas ice cream. This kid eats anything!!

I gave Nickolas a mini cupcake. He put the entire thing in his mouth! I had to go fishing for cupcake....yuck. I will give him smaller bites from now on.

Matching Cousins Take 3

Delaney and Alyssa

We took Nickolas outside after everyone left. He loved it!!

Cute baby feet!!

Cute baby butt!

No, Nickolas is not leaving home!! Nana bought Hannah this purse and because it came with lots of stuff to put inside, Nickolas loves it. Being the wonderful aunt that I am, I brought it outside so he can play with it. Ok, and so I could get a picture.

We put Alyssa in Nickolas' lap for another attempt at a decent picture....He still had no interest.

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