Nana finally made it home and met Alyssa on Wednesday. It is so exciting to have Mom and Ruthie back home safe and sound. We took the kids to get their picture made on Wednesday and then we went to see Ruthie. Oh and to answer Amber's question: Yes, she is perfect and she never cries!! Alyssa is such a good baby. She is so much fun.

Nana, Alyssa and Nickolas

We had to try on dresses to see what would be best for pictures.

Nana got Nickolas this shirt at one of the airports along the way. It says, "Big Brother aka The Boss".

This is actually Alyssa's bed. It is so cool, because Tiffany can just lay her in it at night and sleep right next to her. Mr. Nickolas loves to climb on the bed and sit in it.

This kid loves to climb!! He climbs on everything. This package arrived while we were there, so I just put it in the middle of the floor. Next thing you know, he is standing on top of it clapping.

Nana and Alyssa

Eli is showing Nickolas how to open the door. Nickolas isn't quite tall enough to open doors yet.

Ruthie, Nickolas and Alyssa.
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