Monday, July 27, 2009

Settled in

Alyssa is settling in quite nicely at her new home. Mr. Nickolas is getting used to her as well. He seems so big now that Alyssa has arrived. He plays alone longer. He no longer follows Tiffany all over the house (which is a nice change according to Tiff). He talks all the time! Ok, he just makes syllables all day long. It is so cute. As long as you act like you are following what he is saying, he will talk all day long. And just recently he has learned how to sing! It is the cutest thing ever. Ok, when I say "sing" I mean, his syllables are just longer. He is so sweet. When you ask him where the baby is or where Alyssa is he will always point to her, then walk over and give her a pat on the head and a kiss. He is going to be such a good big brother. I went to see them yesterday and today so I had two days of pictures to post!
Nickolas loves all the attention!!
He loves playing with the car seat! He gets so mad if someone takes it away.
This picture was from today. I wanted to look at her so I had to uncover her...twice...then I found her under there!
Here is Nickolas talking to me. He is so stinkin cute.
Her legs are still straight out!! It is hard to swaddle her because she keeps those legs stretched out. Tiffany now understands why her pregnancy was so uncomfortable.
I was just snapping away, taking pictures of Alyssa. I heard, "Bye, bye." I turned around and Nickolas was waving at us getting in his car. He is just so smart.
Alyssa asked me to please put this outfit on her and take her picture. She had to ask several times, finally I put it on her and snapped a few pictures.
Here she is all bundled up again.
Tiffany cleaned out this shampoo bottle and Nickolas plays with it. He loves it. It was so cute, he was acting like he was pouring it out in his hand. I taught him how to smell it and he copied me. He made the sniffing sound and everything. I'm telling you....Genius.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nickel is looking kind of mean in the first pictures.  Cute of course.  Alyssa looks too cute for words.  I love all the different clothes.  I will be home on August 4.  Can't wait to see my three babies.  I bet Hannah is big.  Don't let Nickel forget me.Love you