Monday Tiff went to the doctor and they told her that the fluid was a little low. They told her to drink lots of water and lay on her left side 3 times per day for one hour. Holding back laughter, we said ok. Remember Nickolas??? There's no way she is going to be able to follow those strict orders. We left the doctor with a return appointment set for Tuesday the 21st. Last night Tiffany was up most of the night. Her blood pressure was a little high so the doctor told her to come in today for a check up. We went today and they did another ultrasound. This time the fluid looked great and the baby looked healthy. Tiffany's blood pressure is still a concern, especially with her Gestational Diabetes. So, her doctor told her to go see the high risk doctor for further testing. Luckily they had an opening today so we went straight up to the 6th floor and waited. They took Tiffany back right away and did yet another ultrasound. This time they were able to see how big the baby is. Her head and stomach are measuring 40wks 6days!! Tiffany is only 37 weeks 2 days. Her legs and arms measured normal bringing her total measurements to 38 weeks. With these measurements in our head, we just had to ask....How much does she weigh? The nurse hesitated, then told us...."She weighs 8lbs 7oz!" Tiffany's first words? "When can we get her out?" Tiffany is a little nervous about her size. The doctor came in and said, "We will call you with the results of your tests tomorrow. Since she is so enormous we want to keep an eye on everything." With those encouraging words from the doctor we left and will wait to hear from them tomorrow. If they don't call then all is well and she will go back to her doctor on Tuesday. I know Tiffany is ready to meet her baby girl. We all are. We want to meet her as soon as possible, but with mom and Ruthie in Arizona until the 1st, we kind of want to wait until they get back. I don't think that is going to happen. As it gets closer I will be updating after every doctor appointment. Check out this picture!!! You can see her so clearly. Anyone want to take guesses on who she looks like? :-)

She looks just like her Aunt Sherry! Not Really, but, she does look just like her Mommy! I can't wait to hold her!
Funny Sherry! I agree Tiffany. Thanks for the update.
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