I went to get Nickolas last Wednesday night so Tiffany and Wes could have a break. Then I kept him all day Thursday. Good times.

When I got there, he was so tired. He looked so pitiful.

We put him in his pajamas, because we knew he would fall asleep on the way to my house.

When we arrived at my house, I took him and layed him down. He didn't sleep there all night. (I was hoping...but no such luck) He woke up at 2, 4, 5, 8 then we finally got up at 9. Most of these times I just had to reinsert his paci. He gets so upset when that thing falls out. So I was up and down most of the night.

He woke up smiling!! I didn't even talk to him..he would just smile. What a joy to wake up to!!! He's so sweet. We started our day. I started him out with a bath..he loves taking baths.

Then later that day we took a walk around my aparment complex. We walked to check the mail. He loved being outside! He didn't make one sound while we were strolling around. He just looked around.
Then we came back for a little play time in the floor.
He is so cute while you feed him. He will put one hand around your thumb and the other hand around your pinky while you are holding the bottle. He has to be holding on to something while he eats. It can be a burp cloth or anything...
Then down for another nap!! He slept for about an hour here.
Then after a long day, he finally went back to his mommy and daddy!! We had so much fun. Tiffany said that her and Wes didn't even wake up all night. I asked her if she woke up and wondered where Nickolas was even for a second. She said..."No, we didn't move all night. It was great!" So I am glad they can relax enough to get some sleep when he's with me. Everybody needs a break once in a while.
Oh my... he's so cute!
I'm cracking up at and loving the mohawk!!
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