Nickolas had his 4 month check up on Friday. I had to go so I could take a thousand pictures. What kind of doctor visit would it be without Aunt Tonya and her camera??? we go!!

Here we are in the Well Room. Waiting to go back....
Wes gave him a little bit of Tylenol before we left. Tiffany learned to do that after his 1 month check up.
The nurse came in and asked a lot of questions and checked little Nickel out.
She checked his heart beat...he was in such a good mood!
She measured his is 16 and 1/4 inches.
After she measured his head he grabbed the measuring tape! He wouldn't let it go.
Luckily, this was hanging low enough for him to grab...
His weight is 15lbs and 4oz. And he is 25 inches long.
After the nurse left we played with him. He was so happy!!
Little Wes......

Looking at Mommy....

The doctor finally came in and checked him out!
She thought he was sooooo cute.....can you blame her?
She checked his ears....

....and mouth.
He's still in a good mood!!! So cute.
It took so long for the nurse to come back in and give him his shots. The little guy finally fell asleep. Tiffany said, "I am NOT holding him while he gets his shots!" The nurse put him on the table. Thank Goodness!! Nobody had to hold him.
He received two shots in each leg and he had to drink one. He was not a happy camper at this point!! He was asleep when he received his first shot, so of course it woke him up and scared him! I almost cried, too! It was so pitiful.
He had two bandaids on each leg. I didn't want to hold him because I didn't know if it would hurt when I touched his legs...I soon got over that and held him. He slept the rest of the day. Tiffany said he woke up to eat, then fell right back to sleep until the next morning. Poor Nickolas..... I don't like it when he gets shots!! He goes back in November for his 6 month check up. I'll keep ya posted!!
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