Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another Update on Nickolas

He has been keeping mommy and daddy busy!!! Tiffany went to her 6 week check up on Monday. She said when she came out after her exam, all the nurses were taking turns holding Nickolas and getting their picture taken with him. They all thought he was just so cute! (can you blame them?) His weight was 10lbs 10oz on Monday. Anyway, all is well with Tiffany, but little Nickolas..not so much. His little tummy is still upset all the time!! So on Tuesday Tiff took him back to see his Doctor. They suggested to change his milk. So she started him on soy milk. Everything seemed to be just fine..UNTIL....yesterday. Tiffany said he seemed to be doing better..but then last night he threw up a lot. He did fine over night, but they decided to take him to Children's today for some more tests. They did x-rays and some other things. His weight had dropped down to 10lbs 3oz. Poor little guy. :-( They gave him a higher dose of his medecine and told Tiffany to feed him only 2 oz at a time!! So now she has to give him 2oz every 2hours. She will be very busy.


Unknown said...

I hate that Nickolas isn't feeling well. We are praying. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Tonya said...

Thanks Jan!!!