Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Night at Aunt Tonya's!

Nickolas spent the night with me this past Saturday night. He hasn't been feeling well so for the past couple of weeks I didn't get to keep him. His mommy didn't want me to be up all night with him. (she knows how much I enjoy my sleep) She mentioned that he has been sleeping longer at night. So I asked if I could keep him this past Saturday. I missed the little guy!! He arrived around 10:30 and he was already asleep. So I just left him in his car seat. I put the whole thing in his crib. (hey, when he is sleeping that good, you don't want to take your chances) He stayed asleep until 2:30!! He started crying so I unbuckled him and got him out. (yes, he was still buckled...again, didn't want to risk it) Tiffany said he will wake up once in the night and all I have to do is put him in bed with me and he will go back to sleep. I thought, yeah right. Well, after I got him out of his seat, I put him next to me in bed. Guess what!? He fell right to sleep!! He woke up around 5:30, so I fed him 2 oz. and before he was finished, he was asleep again! So I put him in his crib and tried to lay down..well, he wasn't happy there. So I put him back in bed with me. Off to sleep he went!! He woke up again around 9am. So I fed him another 2 oz. I thought about starting my day at this point, but I was so sleepy because I didn't actually lay down until 2:30a. So I thought I would try to lay down and maybe sleep just a little bit longer. So off to bed we went. Nickolas fell right to sleep and the next thing I know it's 12:30!!! Looks like the key to sleeping all night is to put the little guy right next to you. :-) Hey, I just did what his mommy told me to do. The night was a great success. Can't wait to do it again!!!

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