Last night around 10 o'clock Alyssa started crying. It was dark in the room so Tiffany and Wes just thought she woke up and was cranky. They waited a few min to see if she would fall back asleep..she didn't. So they turned on the light and noticed she was broke out everywhere! Tiffany said her skin was so red it looked like she had a sunburn all over her. So they scooped her and Nickolas up and headed to the ER. She called to let me know what was going on, so I met them there in case they needed my help with Nickolas or anything. We were only in the waiting room for about 10 min before they called us back. She looked so pitiful, but acted as if nothing was wrong. She would scratch a little bit, but for the most part she was pretty happy. The doctor narrowed it down to an allergic reaction to Motrin. Tiffany has given this to her before several times, but the doctor said sometimes you can get an allergic reaction all of a sudden, even if you've had it before. So he gave her a shot of steroids and sent them home with a prescription for antibiotics and benadryl. Before we even left the hospital her skin was starting to clear up. Thank goodness!! Nickolas was a trooper and was really good for the most part. It was scary to see her break out like that. Tiffany knew it must have been an allergic reaction, but her fear was not knowing how far the reaction would go. She didn't want it to effect her breathing and all that. So all the way to the hospital Tiffany had her hand in Alyssa's car seat. She said that Alyssa played with her hand all the way to the hospital, which is good. I received a picture of Alyssa today on my cell phone and she is back to normal! You can't even tell she had an allergic reaction to anything. Take a look at these pics. She looks so pitiful, especially in the last few...she was so sleepy.

1 comment:
Poor little thing. And poor Tiffany. Those are such scary times. She still looks so cute even with that rash. Luke had the same reaction to penicillin.
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