Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Visit from Aunt Tonya

Tiffany comes over with the kids a lot! So I am always taking pictures of them when they are here. But, I do go to their house a few times during the week to get a kid fix. So yesterday I went to see them and thought I should start taking pictures of them at their home. That might be important one day. So, here we go!!

In this picture Nickolas was totally ignoring me. I said, "Nickolas, say cheese!" He just said, "No, Tonya", and looked down at the ground. It takes a few pictures before he will warm up to me and say cheese.

Wes was cleaning out the car, and as soon as he turned on the vacuum, Nickolas got so excited. This kid loves the vacuum. Weird.

Nickolas loves the steps. He grabbed my hand a few times and said, "Step, Step." He wanted me to go down the steps with him.

Sleepy Lyssa...

So I might have bribed Nickolas with a popcicle to get his picture made with me. Whatever it takes!

He was showing me his boo boo. He had a microscopic scrape on his he touched it and said, "Boo Boo". I touched it and made the kissing sound, then he was good to go. He is all about you kissing his boo boo's. It's cute and nice to know that a kiss makes it all better.

Wes was making Alyssa smile. She was getting so ecxcited. So cute!!!

New Outfit, Coke, Lawn Mower

Alyssa got a new outfit and we think it's sooooo cute!! She wasn't crazy about the hat, but we were!!! Nickolas loves drinking Nana's coke. He knows he can only get it from her. When he sees diet coke in the grocery store he will say, "Nana!" And when you ask him, "What does Nana say?" He says, "Coke!" He will go to the fridge and get coke out and take it to her. He will get so excited. Also, Nickolas saw Uncle Jason on the lawn mower weeks ago and since then every time he sees a mower he will say, "Mow!" He said, "Mow" about 100 times the other day at Home Depot. So when we found a mower at Toys-R-Us, it had to go home with us. Nickolas loves it! We had to go outside immediately and let him play with it.

Here he is hiding in the fridge drinking coke. Who is he hiding from you ask? Well, he is hiding from Ruthie! When Nana gave him a drink of her coke, Ruthie said, "No, No Nana! Nickolas does not need that coke!" Since then, he will not drink coke in front of Ruthie. It is the funniest thing ever. So Nana gave him a drink here in the fridge, but when Ruthie stuck her head around the corner Nickolas gave it back to Nana.

When he saw Ruthie he put his hands over his mouth like this. It was so funny.

Monday, March 22, 2010

8 Months Old

Alyssa turned 8 months old yesterday!! She is doing so much now. She has been crawling since the beginning of March (4th). She actually pulled up to her feet before she crawled!! She is all over the place. She doesn't like to be contained by a crib or pack-n-play anymore, she would much rather be exploring on the floor. She hardly ever gets "stuck" in one place. If she falls from standing or crawling, she just keeps on going! This girl is tough! She can go from her tummy to sitting very easily now. She is starting to pull up on everything!! She was in the living room crawling and the next thing I knew she had pulled up on the couch! If Tiffany walks by without paying attention to her, she gets so upset! Tiffany and Wes can just look at her and talk and she will smile so big! She will get very excited. She is starting to be more vocal. She pretty much says, "dadadada dadadada" all the time. It is so cute! She also still loves loves loves her big brother! As she gets into things that she isn't supposed to while crawling, Nickolas will be sure to say, "No, Lyssa!!" Or if she somehow gets his cup, or paci, he will be sure to tell her, "No, No!" She is still around 20lbs and continues to stay healthy and out of the doctors office (except for the allergic reaction she had at the beginning of the month). Before we know it, we will be celebrating her first birthday! Crazyness. Here she is in her monkey pajamas. She is so cute. You might not be able to stand all this cuteness at one time. It's a lot! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Nickolas was in the garage with Wes, when I heard, "Nickolas, uh oh!" Then Wes brought him in the house and he was missing a sock...this is why...

He stepped in this sticky bug trap thing. He was a little worried about his sock and wanted to get it. It will not come off, so Wes put on a new pair of socks and he was good to go!

Fun at the Park

Yesterday we went to the park to let Nickolas play outside. It was a big difference from the first time we took him to this park. We didn't have to follow him around helping him. He can go up and down the steps and he can even go up and down the slide. We are not crazy about him going up the slide, but it wasn't crowded so we didn't put up a fight. Alyssa was a big fan of the swings. Nickolas likes the swings, but he doesn't love them like Alyssa does.