We all went to Ruthie's on Sunday for pizza. When Nickolas came in all the little kids went straight to him. He is still too little to play with them but the first thing they want to do is take him outside to play. It is so cute. Nickolas gave Luke a hug and a kiss when he saw him! It was funny. Kaleb wanted him to go out on the porch and play with the other kids. He was slightly bummed when we told him he had to stay inside. He decided to stay inside with Nickolas. They laughed at Nickolas and then Nickolas would laugh back..it was so cute. It won't be long before Nickolas is out playing with his cousins.

Kaleb, Luke and Eli (halfway pictured) greeting Nickolas.

JB and Nickolas

JB, Andrew and Nickolas. Ruthie is actually cracking up in these two pictures. She said we were making her laugh so hard because of what we were doing to get the kids attention. I am sure we looked silly.

This picture cracks me up. It is so NOT like Nickolas. He looks so serious.

Now, this is typical Nickolas! Always cheesing for the camera.

All the little kids were swimming so Nana decided to take Nickolas swimming...in her blue jeans. She wanted him to go swimming and that was the only way! Nickolas loves the water. He does not like being in a float. You can't even get both
legs on the float without him freaking out. So he holds on to any hand he can find and walks on the steps. He sticks his face in and
tries to drink the water. He is getting brave around the water. He will walk right in if you don't watch him every second.
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