I can't believe his first birthday is here!!! We are going to have his party later so I will update with pictures from the party and also more from the portrait studio later. He is in to everything!!! We went to Ruthie's and she said, "Pull out this chair and sit here." I said, "Ruthie, are you kidding me? I don't have time to sit down with this little guy around!!" That has been true for quite sometime now. He will not sit still unless he is sleeping. He is on the go and wants to touch everything. He loves to open drawers and put his toys in them. I found a football in his book cabinet earlier. This kid is quick!! Before you know it he has hidden one toy and is on to the next. He walks everywhere now. He can say "bite, bite" (and will do so if he sees you eating, even though he is not hungry) and he can say "car". I will take him outside just to watch cars pass in front of the house. Oh he loves it. Almost every time we are out there we hear the train. So I am trying to teach him to say train...it could tale a while. He is still not sleeping through the night.....hopefully this will change when little sister arrives. (for mommy's sake) Nickolas points to everything. If he wants it, he points to it. Oh and Tiffany says that he has learned how to turn their TV off and on. She says it drives her crazy!! He also grinds his teeth all the time, and this drives her crazy as well. He is doing so many cute things that I just can't list everything. He is such a sweet kid. He is so smart and proves this to us daily with different things. We can't wait to see what the next year holds!!!!

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