Nickolas is 10 months old today!! He is doing so much now. He is crawling and exploring everything! We have officially baby proofed the house. He can copy almost anything you can do. He can shake his head, stick out his tongue and so many other things. Nana taught him where his nose is. She will say "nose" and touch her nose to his, now if you say "nose" to him he will put his nose on yours. So cute!! He loves to drop things from his high chair, crib etc. just to watch it fall. His favorite toy right now is a ball. He will drop it and watch it roll, then go get it. He will say "Ba, Ba, Ba" for ball. Of course, he knows who Bailey is. And if he sees a picture of a dog, it is Bailey no matter what. Tiffany has taught him to sit. She says in the bathtub he always likes to stand. She always has to tell him to sit down and makes him sit. Today I was watching him and I told him to sit so I could let go of his hands. He did it!! It is so neat to teach him things!!! He loves to take stuff out of anything. For instance, I have a toy basket here and he will crawl to it and take out toys one at a time and play with them. He has a box with different shaped blocks in it and he loves to take the blocks out. This kid is doing so much! It is hard to list it all. He is still waking up at night. Tiff said it is once a night. He takes a bottle then goes right back to sleep. Just a few more months of this, we hope! Nickolas is learning what "no" means. Since he is crawling it is very important we teach him this! When you tell him no, he will stop what he is doing and look at you, then move on. It's like he is saying, "Really? Do I have to stop?" Ha Ha. He is walking with that toy all the time. It won't be long before he is walking on his own! We can't wait. I am sure I am leaving out about a million new things he is doing. He is such a joy! He is getting harder to watch, but he is also getting so much more fun!!
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