Saturday, February 7, 2009


Last week Wes took Nickolas to the doctor because he wasn't feeling well. They gave him some antibiotics and sent him home. Tiffany took him back on Thursday and they told her that he had Bronchiolitis. It effects his lungs and breathing. He received a breathing treatment at the doctor's office. Then they told Tiffany that she needs to give him a breathing treatment every 4 hours. They brought him over and I was able to snap a few pictures of him receiving the breathing treatment. He doesn't mind it at all...he actually loves chewing on it. He goes back to the doctor on Monday for a checkup.


Unknown said...

He is SO CUTE!!! Poor little guy. Tonya again... I think he looks like you. The last picture especially.

Tonya said...

Well, Jan, he is so stinking cute, so I can see why you think he looks like me. :-)

Michelle said...

Poor little guy! Luke had the same thing when he was younger (similar to the croup). It is the saddest little sickness. I will be praying for him. It always seems to happen when the weather begins to change. Crazy, huh!