Nickolas is 8 months old today! He is doing so many new things these days. He is eating 2 jars of baby food at a time. Also, he is sleeping better at night. He is still not sleeping all night long, but he only wakes up a few times which is a big improvement! I keep asking to keep him all night, but Tiffany still says no, until he is sleeping more. She doesn't want me to miss out on any sleep! I guess they are getting enough sleep for now. :-) Nickolas is almost crawling. He will do the "army crawl" for now. That is where he scoots on his tummy to get where he needs to go. He can hold on the side of the crib or play pen and walk all the way around. Also, if you hold his hands he will walk. He is such a good baby! I have found that I can take him places, and he will be so good. I used to stay in with him, but now I can take him anywhere and he is perfect every time!! If he is standing in his crib or play pen, he can reach down with one hand and get a toy and come back up while holding on with the other hand. He still wants to chew on everything!! If you hand him a cup he knows to turn it up and "drink" out of it. Also, when he is in the bath tub he will try to put his whole face under the running water and try to get a drink. He still loves taking baths. Tiffany and Wes have wood floors in their house. So when Nickolas is in his exersaucer, he has learned how to rock back and forth so hard that he can move the exersaucer across the entire room! He stops when he gets to a wall or the couch. He is "talking" more. If you put your hand in front of his mouth and move it back and forth (like an Indian), Nickolas will start making noises and it really sounds like an Indian. ha ha That was hard to explain, but hopefully you get the idea. He's smart. He's cute. He's just awesome!! I could go on and on about that little guy, but enough is enough. I have plenty more pictures to post in the next couple of days. He was a very good model today. :-)
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