Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What's been going on with Nickolas?

Last week Tiffany took Nickolas to see Ruthie and Grandpa. They are all about him!! Grandpa even fed him. So sweet. Then Tiffany and Wes left to get pizza and Nickolas stayed with them for about 30 min. Ruthie said he was so good. He watched TV with her and everything. He loves watching TV. Almost anything will hold his attention. Ruthie was holding him in her lap and talking to him. His eyes stared getting heavy. She had him sitting up in front of her with her hands around him. He fell asleep like that!! It was so funny. He has been sleeping in his crib for about a week now. He will lay on his activity mat and play for a long time. He will roll to his side and play even more. Tiffany said he fell asleep there...and she happened to fall asleep on the couch. She said she woke up to him playing with the toys hanging down. So cute.
He went back to the GI Doctor on Friday for a check up. His weight was 15lbs 10 oz. Everything is fine and he shouldn't have to go back there. Tiffany and Wes had started giving Nickolas cereal in his bottle. The GI Doctor told them to stop doing that, so they did. Well on Saturday he spit up all day! Poor little guy. Then on Sunday they noticed that he started spitting up blood. They took him to Children's and turns out everything is fine. They said his esophagus was raw from all the spitting up he was doing the day before. They gave him pedialyte and he ate 2oz of milk. After he didn't spit up, he was released. They said it would be fine to give him cereal in his bottle. Early this morning around 2:00 they took him to Children's because he had been crying a lot and he didn't sleep much yesterday. They drew blood from his arm and he didn't make a peep!! They had to put a catheter in to get a urine sample...he cried so loud for this!! They also had to do xrays....Tiffany stepped out, but Wes said he was fine and didn't cry at all. Turns out he has fluid on his ear, but not enough to receive medicine. Also, he is a little anemic. Could be why he was spitting up blood the other day. The xray showed he was a little medicine and he was fine. By the time I talked to Tiffany around 7am, Nickolas was already fast asleep and they were on their way home. He will check up with his family doctor later. Poor little guy.
I think we should be all up to date again!! Every Sunday we get together at Mom's and Nickolas is always the center of attention. I know that I look forward to it all week. It is so neat how one little person can bring so many people together. Uncle Jason already wants to take him to the Aquarium in Gatlinburg. It's sweet.

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