These are all from yesterday. I got him early in the morning and kept him all day. We had a really good day!! He was so good. We took a walk...played in the floor...played in the ExerSaucer...took naps...and had fun doing it!! He is starting to roll over. Wes layed him on his play mat the other day, then fell asleep..he woke up to Nickolas kicking the floor half way across the room!!! He rolled and rolled until he couldn't go anymore. Too cute. So they are going to have their hands full watching him all the time. No more laying on the bed or couch unattended! He loves to stand if you hold his hands. Oh, and he is starting to take my glasses off when I hold him. They are bright blue, I can only imagine how appealing they seem to a baby. He will grab them and try to eat them. He wants to eat eveything. Enjoy these pictures!

This is what he does when you sit him up....he starts out strong....
..then slowly starts to fall......
...then he is over it. He will arch his back and try to roll over. He won't sit still!!
Here he is playing on the floor.

Then he got he is mid-yawn.
Oh, he wants those toys so bad!!!
He finally rolled over to his back.
Here he is in his exersaucer...which he loves!!!

Like I said, he wants to eat everything!!!

Smiling at Daddy, of course!! I swear, all Wes has to do is look at him and he lights up!!