They brought him in and this is what he looked like!! He has new sunglasses. He loves them!!! Wes said he put them on him and he didn't make a sound, then he took them off. Well, that's when Nickolas started crying. So he put them back on and he stopped! So cute. He was sleeping under those glasses. But not for long.....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Just a Diaper
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Holding On
2 Months Old Today!!!!
Nickolas is two months old today!! Time is going by so fast. Of course, I had to stop by after work and take a few pictures. He is starting to stay awake longer between naps during the day. If you talk to him he will smile and coo. He loves to look at the ceiling fan. (even if it is off) Also, he likes to look out of the window. He loves his elmo and he also has a rattle that he likes. I just bought him one of the baby Einstein DVD's. We put it in today and he seemed to like the music. He is doing more and more each day. He also loves to hear his daddy talk to him!! When Wes talks to him he will look to try to find him. Wes can be in the other room and Nick will stop crying and look for him. It's so cute.
More Cute Pictures to come....................
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Mystery is Solved!!
Well, Nickolas went to the G.I. doctor today. His weight is back up to 10lbs 10oz. The GI doctor figured out what was wrong with little Nickolas. Turns out he was alergic to his formula! It explains everything. So now he is going to be on Similac Hypoallergenic formula. He is on two kinds of medecine now. He takes one kind in the morning and the other at night before bed. Hopefuly this new formula will be the answer!!! Tiffany sent this picture to me today. He's sleeping on the exam table. Cute and pitiful.

Be specific.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Another Night at Aunt Tonya's!
Nickolas spent the night with me this past Saturday night. He hasn't been feeling well so for the past couple of weeks I didn't get to keep him. His mommy didn't want me to be up all night with him. (she knows how much I enjoy my sleep) She mentioned that he has been sleeping longer at night. So I asked if I could keep him this past Saturday. I missed the little guy!! He arrived around 10:30 and he was already asleep. So I just left him in his car seat. I put the whole thing in his crib. (hey, when he is sleeping that good, you don't want to take your chances) He stayed asleep until 2:30!! He started crying so I unbuckled him and got him out. (yes, he was still buckled...again, didn't want to risk it) Tiffany said he will wake up once in the night and all I have to do is put him in bed with me and he will go back to sleep. I thought, yeah right. Well, after I got him out of his seat, I put him next to me in bed. Guess what!? He fell right to sleep!! He woke up around 5:30, so I fed him 2 oz. and before he was finished, he was asleep again! So I put him in his crib and tried to lay down..well, he wasn't happy there. So I put him back in bed with me. Off to sleep he went!! He woke up again around 9am. So I fed him another 2 oz. I thought about starting my day at this point, but I was so sleepy because I didn't actually lay down until 2:30a. So I thought I would try to lay down and maybe sleep just a little bit longer. So off to bed we went. Nickolas fell right to sleep and the next thing I know it's 12:30!!! Looks like the key to sleeping all night is to put the little guy right next to you. :-) Hey, I just did what his mommy told me to do. The night was a great success. Can't wait to do it again!!!
Nickolas and his first Elmo!!!
Ruthie and Grandpa bought Nickolas this Elmo. It sings and moves around. Nickolas loved it! He would just stare at it and then he would smile. So cute.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Another Update on Nickolas
He has been keeping mommy and daddy busy!!! Tiffany went to her 6 week check up on Monday. She said when she came out after her exam, all the nurses were taking turns holding Nickolas and getting their picture taken with him. They all thought he was just so cute! (can you blame them?) His weight was 10lbs 10oz on Monday. Anyway, all is well with Tiffany, but little Nickolas..not so much. His little tummy is still upset all the time!! So on Tuesday Tiff took him back to see his Doctor. They suggested to change his milk. So she started him on soy milk. Everything seemed to be just fine..UNTIL....yesterday. Tiffany said he seemed to be doing better..but then last night he threw up a lot. He did fine over night, but they decided to take him to Children's today for some more tests. They did x-rays and some other things. His weight had dropped down to 10lbs 3oz. Poor little guy. :-( They gave him a higher dose of his medecine and told Tiffany to feed him only 2 oz at a time!! So now she has to give him 2oz every 2hours. She will be very busy.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Smiling at Nana!
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