Alyssa turned 9 months old last Wednesday. She is getting so big! She went for her 9 month check up and she was 22lbs 15oz and 29inches long. She is moving all over the place these days. She pulls up on everything and can even take a few steps while holding on. She will walk with you holding on to one of her hands. It won't be too long before this little girl is walking! Her mommy noticed her 4
th tooth a few days ago. She has two on the bottom and now her top two "fangs"are coming in. She loves to "Patty Cake" or "Pat-a-cake", whatever it's called. She gets so excited and smiles so big when you sing Patty Cake. She is still Nickolas' biggest fan and loves to follow him around. She crawls all over the place and will even play by herself in Nickolas' room. She is not all about her bottle these days, and only has a few a day. Tiffany gave her whole milk for the first time last week (after doctor's clearance) and she did just fine with it. She is still waking up at night, but most of the time she will fall back asleep after only a few ounces of formula. She loves to explore and crawl around, but if she finds you standing still for very long, she crawls over and pulls up on your leg. It is so cute!! She is getting so much fun the older she gets. Her wardrobe is getting cuter, too. We love dressing her up and taking her picture. She is almost always in a good mood so it is pretty easy to do photo shoots with her...I am sure that will change when she can start walking and can get away from me.