Sunday was a great snow day, too! First thing yesterday morning, Nickolas found his way to Alyssa's pack-n-play. Sometimes he wants you to put him in there so he can play with Alyssa. I thought it was pretty cute, so I grabbed my camera. I would tell Nickolas to look at me and say cheese. He decided he was going to hold up the little stuffed dog and say cheese. He thought it was the funniest thing that I was taking pictures of his dog. So cute!! Thanks to Uncle Jason, on snow day #2 we had a sled! Nickolas LOVED the sled. He was so funny! When he would get to the bottom he would start laughing and get so excited. He was having a great time. We put Miss Alyssa on the sled with him and he liked that. He even tried to pull her around on the sled, that didn't work out too well for Alyssa. After a million times sledding down the hill, we all came back in. Nickolas was very upset about it! He loved sledding so much. Last night Jamie and Danielle came over and brought Hannah Bug. When they told me she had not been out in the snow, I had to get her out in it! We bundled her up in Alyssa's snow suit and hat and went out. Jamie pulled her around on the sled and she actually loved it! She would laugh and smile. Nickolas had to get in on the action so he was back out with her for round 2. This time the snow was more like ice and he went fast down the hill. The expression on his face was not as enthusiastic as it was early in the day, but he still liked it. As little boys do, Nickolas was playing too rough! He ended up with a few scratches on his arm after sledding. It started out a little pink with a few scratches, then as the night went on it was getting more red and we noticed a bump. We felt sorry for him. So Nana gave him some of her diet coke and I made sure he was warm with his blankets and stuffed puppy. He was set! As the night progressed he would whine and actually cry and hold his arm. We thought we were going to make an ER run, but after a little Tylenol he was good to go! Today it just looked red, but he doesn't act like it hurts anymore. He was so pitiful last night. I just can't take all the scratches and bruises yet to come. I wonder if it would be too much for me to ask Tiff and Wes to just keep him in a bubble?