Ok, let me explain the following pictures.............
Did you ever get "the look" from your mother growing up when you did something wrong? Boy we did, and it worked! So when Nickolas does something he isn't supposed to, we try to say no and give him the look which consists of wrinkling your forehead and lowering your eyelids to create a "mean" look. Well, right now Nickolas copies EVERYTHING. So his new thing is when he does something he knows he is not supposed to he will instantly try to make the mean face. It is the cutest thing ever and usually results in laughter, unless he has done something crazy that would harm him in anyway, then he gets in big trouble. So on Sunday Nana was holding him and he wanted something and she would say, "Give me a kiss first". He would throw a fit which is not acceptable in any situation, then instantly make the face. It was too funny, so I had to get my camera.