Tiffany always brings Nickolas' pajamas when she comes over, because most of the time when she is here she will stay until bed time. That way if he falls asleep on the way home it is no big deal because it is bed time anyway. So she had him in his pajamas and lets just say that a certain diaper incident left Nickolas without any clothes to put on. A friend of mine gave me these pajamas for my house. The idea was to use them when Hannah and the new baby were big enough. Mr. Nickolas used them first! They are size 3T girls pajamas. (that's why I said I probably shouldn't post these) Nickolas will not like the fact that he was in girls pajamas at some point. And to make it even more interesting he is playing with a baby doll that Nana bought him. The idea behind the baby doll is to try to get Nickolas used to being easy with babies so he doesn't try to attack his new sister. So these pictures are very cute (to me, anyway), but definitely out of the ordinary for our little Nickolas. Enjoy!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I probably shouldn't post these...but I can't help myself!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Swimming....sort of.
Nana bought Nickolas this little pool. We thought it would be a great way for him to get used to the water. He wasn't so sure about it. He didn't really move around a lot in there. We had to really encourage him to stay in. He liked playing with the toys and after a few min, he did learn how to splash a little. We filled it up with water and we also put lots of hot water in there from the sink. We made sure it wasn't too cold for him. After all we wanted him to like it. It took us about 30 min to get it all ready for him and he stayed in there for about 5 or so min. We will try again another day!!
Just Playing
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Teeth, Finally!
Helping in the Kitchen
The other day I was making brownies and Nickolas was crawling all over the kitchen floor. He was trying to open every cabinet door. Tiffany came in to get him, well when she picked him up he seemed very interested in what I was doing. So I put his hand on the mixer and he loved it!! He actually cried when we were all done. I can't wait to show and teach him everything!!!!
My Turn!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
11 Months Old Today
This past month Nickolas has had a few colds and ear infections. Tiffany is going to take him to a specialist on May 8th to talk about possibly getting tubes in his ears. This is just a thought and something she will talk about with his doctor in great detail.
There are a couple of VERY important things that I need to mention. First I have to say...he is walking!!! He took his very first steps last Saturday, so almost a week ago. Tiffany and Wes both saw him do it. They broke out the video camera and everything. We are so excited around here!! I went straight over on Sunday to watch him walk. He took about 3 steps to me with a big grin on his face. It is too cute. On Tuesday I called Ruthie to come over and see him walk. So he did it for her and he was so proud of himself. He is taking more and more steps. In the beginning he would step to somebody if they were reaching for him, etc. Tiffany said the other day he actually took a step toward a toy that he wanted. It won't be long now before he is walking all over the place! I have noticed that now when he crawls he will crawl with one knee and one foot. It looks funny, but he gets there a lot faster this way.
Another thing I need to mention is that he has teeth!!! Around the beginning of April we noticed some trying to poke through. Now he has one very visible tooth on top and two visible teeth on the bottom. You can tell another one is trying to poke through on the top. When you feed him now, you can feel his teeth. Tiffany sent me a picture of him "brushing" his own teeth and it is very cute.
Nickolas is getting to be such a big boy! Just one more month until his 1st birthday!! I have lots of pictures to post. Today he went swimming in his baby pool so I will post all of those pictures many more. I can't believe he is almost a year old!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Playing like a big boy!
I bought Nickolas this little $5 truck and he loves it!!! I had in mind that he would like to spin the orange just spins around and around. Well we gave it to him and he started pushing it around on the floor! It was so cute. He would be pushing it all over the place then all of a sudden he would start to cry. It was because it had flipped upside down and he couldn't push it anymore! It was funny. He soon figured out how to turn it back over.
It's a bird, It's a plane, It's Nickolas!!!
Check out Nickolas' pajamas!! The cape is actually real. It velcro's to his shoulders. Too cute!
He ducked down and just crawled out! It was too funny.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Birthday, Tiffany!
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