Just wanted to say sorry about the lack of posts recently!! I recently moved and school just started. I've been so busy!! I watched Nickolas all day last Thursday. My days off are Thursday's and Friday's so I should be watching him every Thursday. I am so excited about this!! Last Thursday we hung out at home most of the day. I was able to take him and get his 3 month picture taken. We went to Portriat Innovations. I was very pleased with them. They were supposed to take 45-60 frames, however, little Nickolas had another plan in mind. After about 12 shots, he started crying. Loud. So the session ended. I was able to pick out a few poses. So better luck next time!! (I will definately bring someone with me next time, probably his daddy to make him smile and his mommy to sooth him when he freaks out again). I am not sure if I can post the actual picture...so if you're interested just let me know and we can try to get one to you! Nickolas is eating every 3 hours still. He is getting cereal in almost every bottle. Milk alone will not last....he is usually ready to eat in about an hour to an hour and a half if you just give him formula. (I found this out the hard way) Could be why he cried so loud at the portriat studio. Oops! Tiffany says he is starting to "play" more. He will watch his DVD and coo at it. He will roll over almost immediately if you lay him on his tummy. Or he will get tired and fall asleep. He is still sleeping in his bassinett (or car seat) next to Tiffany and Wes. His tummy issues have been cured! He is starting to sit in his high chair. Oh and he is growing out of ALL of his clothes!!!! He is such a good baby. I believe we are all caught up! I'll try not to slack again!! :-)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
We Miss You Guys!!
So Stinkin Cute!
Smiling at Daddy
Sunday, August 24, 2008
3 months old today!
Nickolas is 3 months old today. Gosh, I just can't believe how fast it is going. He is doing so much now. He's a little over 12 pounds and still around 23 inches long. He is growing out of clothes left and right. Tiffany put a 6-12 month outfit on him the other day and it fit length wise, but was a little big through out. He is holding his head up by himself, and this makes him look so big! He is now watching the Baby Einstein DVD. It will hold his attention enough to watch it 2 or 3 times!! He's such a joy! I'm so thankful to be his aunt. :-)
Special Delivery!!
1st Baby Food
Tiffany gave him applesauce mixed with cereal. He loved it! He knew exactly what to do with the spoon. He's gonna be a good eater. :-)
Wes fed him with a Kermit spoon. The same spoon he used when he was a baby.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Being Silly
A few pictures from before vacation.
Tired from all the tracing and writing. :-)
He loves loves loves getting a bath! He just sits in there and doesn't make a peep.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I'm Back!!
Well, I seemed to survive a few days without seeing Nickolas! It was pretty hard. Lucky for me, he was waiting for me right when I got home. Good news, I only left Florida with one thing for Nickolas. I got him a shirt from Hard Rock Cafe. It says, "My First Hard Rock Cafe T-Shirt". It is huge on him....but still sooooo stinkin cute. He went to the Doctor on Friday while I was gone. He is 12lbs and 1oz and still 23 and 3/4 inches long. He is as healthy as can be!! When I got home I noticed that he is holding his head up! It's amazing what you miss in just a few days. Tiff said he has been doing it for a couple of days now. He is getting so big.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
To Be Continued....
I'm going on Vacation!!! Yay! Just to let you regular viewers (mom) know, I will not be posting anything new until I get back! I don't know how I am going to stay away from my little Nickol that long. I told Deidra to not let me spend all of my vacation money on Nickolas. I mean how many "My First Florida T's" does a kid need? It will be tough, but I'm sure I'll manage. I have posted some old and recent pictures to hold you over. See ya when I get back next week!!! Orlando...here we come!
Random pictures.
Here's some random pictures of Nickolas & Co. I don't think these have been posted before. If so, then enjoy them again!!
We celebrated my birhtday last week. I usually make a cake for Sunday Dinner or for whoever's birthday it is. So, I made my own cake. I didn't mind, because I got to write anything I wanted on it. :-) Jamie couldn't be there. So, I was sure to include him on our birthday cake.
Mr. Cool...trying to rest.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What a difference!!
Yet, another photo shoot.
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